India has strongly criticised Pakistan after it referred to Jammu and Kashmir during a special session on Ukraine in the United Nations General Assembly. India called Pakistan's reference to the disputed region "regrettable and misplaced" and called out Islamabad's record of harboring and providing safe havens to terrorists with impunity.

Pratik Mathur, Counsellor in India's Permanent Mission to the UN, exercised India's Right of Reply on Thursday after Pakistan's envoy at the UN Munir Akram referred to Jammu and Kashmir while delivering the explanation of vote on the UN General Assembly resolution on Ukraine during the Emergency Special Session. Mathur advised Pakistan to refer to India's numerous Rights of Reply that have been exercised in the past.
In his statement, Mathur stated that "Pakistan has only to look at itself and its own track record as a state that harbours and provides safe havens to terrorists and does so with impunity." He added that "such uncalled for provocation is particularly regrettable and certainly misplaced at a time when after two days of intense discussions, we have all agreed that the path of peace can be the only path forward to resolve conflict and discord."
India's response comes amid an ongoing dispute between the two nations over the region of Jammu and Kashmir. India has accused Pakistan of supporting and funding terrorism in the region, while Pakistan has accused India of human rights violations in the region.
Jammu and Kashmir has been a point of contention between India and Pakistan since the two countries gained independence in 1947. Both countries claim the region in its entirety, but it has been divided between them since 1949, with Pakistan controlling the northern areas and India controlling the southern areas.
In 2019, India revoked Jammu and Kashmir's special status, which granted the region significant autonomy. Pakistan condemned the move, saying it was a violation of international law and the UN Security Council's resolutions on the issue.
The dispute has escalated into frequent clashes between the two countries' armed forces, with both sides accusing the other of ceasefire violations. India has also accused Pakistan of supporting and funding terrorist groups operating in the region, including Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.