What Is Startup Valuation?
In the world of startups, valuation is the process of determining how much money investors should pay for a company. In general, startup valuations are determined after a company has gone public (i.e., raised funding at a publicly traded stock exchange) or after being acquired, either by another company or by a private investor.
How Do Startups Get Valued?
The first step in startup valuation is to determine what metrics you want to use to value your company. These metrics could be revenue, profit, user base, market share, and many others. Once you have selected these metrics, you need to determine whether they are scalable or not. Scalable metrics are ones that increase over time. Non-scalable metrics are those that do not change over time.
How Are Startups Valuated?
Once you have identified your metrics, you need to calculate the current value of each metric. You can then compare them to similar companies and find their average values. If you are looking at a company that has been around for some time, you can simply look at its historical data to get a rough idea of its future potential. However, if you are looking at a newer startup, you may have to rely on industry experts to give you estimates about its future potential.

What Factors Affect Startup Valuation?
There are several factors that affect startup valuation including:
• Market size – A larger market means higher demand, greater competition, and potentially lower prices.
• Growth rate – A faster growth rate means a larger market and increased competition, which will drive down prices.
• Company age – Companies that have existed longer tend to have a higher price tag than younger companies.
• Industry – Industries with high barriers to entry tend to have higher valuations than industries with low barriers to entry.
• Product/service – Products with high consumer demand tend to have higher valuatons than products without high consumer demand.
• Technology – Newer technologies tend to have higher valutations than older technologies.
Biggest mistakes made by startups:-
Not raising enough money
The biggest mistake startups make is not raising enough funding! If you don't raise enough capital, then you won't have the resources to complete your product. You'll either need to cut corners (which may end up causing problems down the road) or give up entirely. In addition, you could also lose out on some great opportunities since you might not be able to afford to compete against bigger competitors.
Raising too much money
On the flip side, if you overfund your business, you run the risk of diluting the value of your company. And worse yet, you could actually lose control of your business. A good rule of thumb is to raise no more than 10% of your expected valuation.
Choosing the wrong investors
You should only pick investors who will help your company succeed. If they're interested in simply making quick profits, they probably aren't the right type of investor for you. Instead, look for people who are aligned with your values and vision. They should also share your goals for success and work hard to achieve them together.
Selling before you're ready
If your startup isn't mature enough to sell, you might find yourself selling at far less than its potential valuation. After all, you aren't even sure what the market is really worth. But in reality, you can't know how valuable your company truly is until you've reached maturity.
Negotiating poorly
This is something almost everyone does. Since negotiating comes naturally to us, we often do it without thinking about whether it's the best strategy. However, it's important to remember that there's always room for improvement. Always ask yourself, "What would I prefer to get?" before offering what you think you need. Doing so might just save you some cash in the long-run.